We are your time attendance, scheduling, and payroll solution
Employee Benefits
Summary of your documents and pay stubs accessible to you whenever you need.
View your schedule, days off, holidays and pay days from the comfort of your home or on the road
MyClock and TimeClock
Accurate, quick, organized, FUN!
Helping Managers be More Efficient
Employee List
Manage and Organize Employees with ease.
Reveal more insights to your business including staff trends, a list of typical late, on time or "early bird employees" as well as company averages. We also make it possible to track the attendance record in correlation to weather and commute distance.
Ability to create custom schedule time blocks. Easy to incorporate split shifts, breaks and paid days off.
Generate your payroll in mere seconds with flexibility and editing ease.
Watch attendance in real time before a degrade in service occurs from a missing or late employee.
Always with you
Cloud computing
No new hardware, just need a computer and internet
Ease of Access
Tighter Communication and Connectivity
Unlimited Storage
Back Up Recovery
Walden Chu
CEO of The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Philippines
Speaks about his past experience with payroll providers in the Philippines and how PayrollHero helps his 70 location food and beverage business