Punch clocks are a pain and lead to time theft and manual reconciliation.

old punch clock old punch clock

PayrollHero is exciting and leads to accurate data and analytics around your company.

old punch clock old punch clock

Talk to an expert today, no strings attached

What kind of business are you?

Time, Attendance & Scheduling

PayrollHero Time, attendance and scheduling screen
icon picture selfie PayrollHero

Clock in with a picture and facial recognition

Uses today's technology to ensure the right person is clocking in at the right time. Learn More >

icon time PayrollHero

Manage your business's time and scheduling

Create schedules in mere seconds with interconnectivity and Cloud technology. Learn More >

icon location PayrollHero

Multiple worksites and location-enabled

Collect time and attendance information from any offsite location or worksite with ease and accuracy. Learn More >

icon employees PayrollHero

All employee information at your fingertips

Keep your company organized and never lose valuable documents in a sea of paperwork. Learn More >

PayrollHero in the cloud in iPad and iPhone

Always with you

icon cloud computing PayrollHero

An application in the cloud

Both scalable and accessible from any device, PayrollHero requires no new hardware - only a computer and internet. Take advantage of the cloud's flexibility, ease of access, tighter communication and connectivity, unlimited storage, and backup recovery.

icon assistance PayrollHero

Customer service assistance

Our motto is being ridiculously client-focused, so we always love helping our clients. This includes being available via email and live chat, as well as developing a comprehensive Knowledge Base with detailed answers to many of your questions.

What our customers have to say

iPhone and iPad apps

Usable only with your PayrollHero paid accounts, #MyClock and TeamClock are the easy-to-use solutions for your business's clock-in/out process. Let your employees quickly and easily clock in to work with a smile by taking a selfie!

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News about PayrollHero as seen on